🦭 Hey dad…
🤓 Hi Sofi, tell me.
🦭 I was thinking that the time is a resource for everyone and that time dedicated to sustainability could be an ethical indicator whether you are rich or poor. We should measure it!
🤓 Yes that seems right to me. Come on, let's think about it.
🦭 after a while...
❤ F O U N D ! We will work on initiatives for the development of inner well-being and social growth in schools, companies and private homes. We will also do it with associations and individual professionals. Or even through visual communication. We will call them DIFFUSED SCHOOLS and they will issue credits for the time dedicated to a sustainable future.
What do we do
We give reputational credits through DIFFUSED SCHOOLS for time spent building skills, abilities and training for a fair, healthy and fulfilling future.
First of all we give credit to people but then also to companies that decide to involve them in activities with these purposes. ➽ We believe that in a good society companies should compensate their commercial communication with the promotion of customer awareness so, with the mechanism of our credits, we reward those who do so ➽➽
Who we are and how we operate
We are science people, artists, communicators and trainers who have a shared vision of the objectives and have at our disposal e-Learning libraries with quizzes, an experiential teaching coaching method and a digital platform for time credits.
We operate in four thematic areas to coordinate new content and develop credit evaluation criteria to be applied to widespread schools.
The calculation of +TCredits is based on the time obtained during the diffused schools, multiplied by a coefficient of "personal development" and one of "sustainability contents". The credits are generated in three areas.
The hours of the certificates indicate the sum of the credits accumulated in all the projects followed in the last 365 days.
For people, +TCredits are restricted access but can be downloaded from your account in jpg format so you can distribute them directly.
For companies +TCredits are public and identified with the term “reputation”. They represent those purchased and those obtained by the people that the company has been able to directly involve in the widespread schools.
We sell credits to companies, we give them to people for free and we ask for a contribution only for the personalized services and products received.
We want to have a fair remuneration for our work and invest the surplus in the development of new widespread schools.